Today, 18th March 2018 is CSE Awareness day. CSE stands for Child Sexual Exploitation. Many people don't know what the acronym stands for or even that there’s a specific day each year marked to highlight this important issue. That's why I'm writing about it! To let you know what we here at FCP are doing to help! #awarenesscauseschange
Official statistics on how many sexually exploited children have been identified by the authorities are not currently available. Although there has been a lot of research, very few studies look into the numbers affected. However, we do know that child sexual exploitation can have devastating effects on a child or young person that can last throughout their lives. Long-term effects impact young people's social integration and economic well-being and may adversely affect their life chances. (NSPCC)
We all have young people in our lives whether we're parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, godparents or friends. Wouldn't it be comforting knowing that those young people, your special young people, have the knowledge and awareness of CSE to be able to at least know how to do something about it if they were ever in that situation? I know I'd feel comforted!...That's where FCP are trying to help!
CSE Play
'I'm Having Sex' is FCP's theatrical production highlighting CSE and child abuse. Once a popular play performed to audiences, we now use 'I'm Having Sex' as a Theatre In Education (TIE) production for Secondary Schools and Colleges, it's mainly targeted at the young people but other different groups such as parents, foster carers, healthcare professionals and the police can also benefit. The play has proved very effective in bringing about awareness of the matter and highlighting healthy and unhealthy/abusive relationships to young people, giving us the opportunity to have frank discussions and educate on many issues that are relevant to CSE and child abuse including, grooming, underage sex and gang culture, to name a few.
At Final Call Productions we aim to increase the knowledge and understanding in children and young people by helping them to make safe choices, understand healthy relationships and know how and where they can access support if there is an issue.
Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Abuse are on the rise, the enemy is having a field day with our young people, help us at FCP to help our children and younger generation by spreading the word and developing recognition of the awful occurrence of CSE.
If you know any Schools that could benefit from FCP's TIE package, please get in contact at finalcallproductions@gmail.com
Stay safe
Jade Lewis
FCP Blogger