Final Call Productions

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And There Was War CANCELLED!

And There Was War CANCELLED

Due to unfortunate circumstances we have had to sadly cancel our show in December.
It's been a really difficult time and to make such a decision really doesn't come easy for us but it comes as an opportunity to work on something bigger for 2018.

The Learning Curve

In life, not everything planned will always work out and it's not to take it to heart. A few favourite quotes that I (Thalie) like to recall during such times as this is

1. All things work for the glory of God (or for those who know economics) all things work for the greater good.

2. When God closes one door, another one opens.

Both quotes pretty much mean the same thing. In other words when one thing doesn’t work out like you’d hoped it would then there’s something better supposed to take it’s place. Something of even greater worth. So it is not for us to feel disappointed or feel like a failure but to get excited and start working towards a greater, more fitting opportunity.

So what do we intend to do?


WORK to gain further exposure
WORK to develop more empowering poetry and drama for 2018 and beyond
WORK to strengthen our ministry from inside out

Here is what else... Regular content...Watch this quick vlog special from Germane Thinkin' Spot (don't forget to like and subscribe!) about holding on to your faith in times of testing. 

So to round things up... here are 3 things that we'd like for you to do.

1.  If you have bought a ticket/ know someone who has or was intending to, please forward them this blog (and perhaps encourage them to sign up to our mailing list for the latest updates)
2.   Continue to share our online projects. Remember our goal is 10,000 for No Poetry and we can’t do it without you.

3. If you’re disappointed and would like And There Was War to come back to the stage please help us by donating

Lots of love and many thanks,

Thalie Brown

FCP Blogger